A Generation Plugged to the New Era of Change- My Convocation Speech

Its been exactly one year to my graduation and I was standing on the stage in front of so many proud parents and teachers and my ever enthusiastic fellow graduating students. We all were glowing because this end marked a new beginning for us. And I was about to make a speech of our journey and whats yet to come etc etc. I just knew one thing that I have to speak what I really felt and hence I spoke my heart out. Today when I look back at it after a year I wonder I did the right thing.

Here’s what I said-

“Graduation Day!

A day when we officially leave the refuge of our university life and begin our real lives. Many questions tend to cross our mind- But what of those lives, as we go into the world? What matters most? Is it about the things we create? The things we achieve? The awards we win? Or is it about who we are when we fail? What’s more important- WHAT we become or HOW we become it?

Good Morning honorable Professors, proud parents and my fellow graduating friends, I stand here today to celebrate us!

And today I am not going to say that we will be successful 5 years down the line. I am also not going to tell that all of us will be happy people in the coming years.

But what I am going to talk about are the things which will make a difference. Actions that will make you happy but others happier.

I want to talk about the extraordinary that lies within us and only us, and only we have the power to unleash it and make things better. We are poised to become a social changing generation. And I believe in it. True that we are sometimes referred to as the narcissistic and the laziest generation of the 21st century, which isn’t completely false but simultaneously we are perceived to be the most influential, analyzed and vouched upon generation.

Graduating in the post great financial crisis period where constant progress is the only change, undoubtedly we are highly privileged. We are defined by a unique identity- technology. Instant connectivity to anyone anywhere anytime around the world, with information at our fingertips amplifies our opportunities bank. Moreover our learning is not just confined to classrooms. Constant engagement with smart devices while traveling, working out etc. is an evidence to how much more are we experiencing and learning.

Along with this privilege and opportunities come some great responsibilities. Hence it depends on us how we use such tools to make a difference. How we use it to spread positivity, to build an ecosystem where we value trust and relations and exercise discipline and professionalism.

We have a seamless ability to navigate the fast paced 21st century. Of course we do understand there are bigger challenges beyond Farmville and Candy Crush Saga!

And I have complete faith and belief that we all can strive and will be a responsible leader rather than just a leader.

You know, I have often heard eminent speakers who inspire us to make a change. To do unexpected. To take risks. They say now is the right time and we are the right people. And I have always wondered- Really? Are we? Can we?

But these four years spent at NTU seem to have cleared my doubt. My perspective has taken a turn and I have become more confident about me and you.

NTU has given me a lot of experiential learning. They make me believe that only if we want to, if we persist, if we desire, if we perspire, we can create the change to make this world a better place altogether.

We just have to make the right decisions. We have to stand up for ourselves and for the wrong doing in the society. There will be innumerable times from now onwards when we will be stuck in the moral dilemma of doing the right thing or the easy thing. And the road less travelled will make all the difference and that’s what will shape us.

We are accustomed to choices and options. Businesses are acutely aware of our communication power and influence. We demand customization and instantaneous feedback. And companies are evolving to address our demands.

We have the power and it’s in our hands to embrace this opportunity or lay it to waste. We will always have the power, but what makes power special is the power to make choice.

You know what makes us even more distinct? Our unity in diversity. NTU gave us the chance to work in diverse teams and helped us emerge united in the work we did together. In the process we have acknowledged the differences in our cultures, lifestyles, ideals, religions, but also realized that our thoughts are the same. Our understanding of diversity makes us unique and gives our generation enduring qualities to succeed in the future years. For us race is “no big deal,” an attitude that will increasingly characterize society.

We have taken our stand on gender equality. We are truly responding to the lived reality of our generation. Today women are not only equal but they frequently take the lead. Today more girls are attending college than boys: 56% of today’s undergraduates are women, compared to 44% men and women now earn 170,000 more bachelor’s degrees each year than men do. It is true that we tend to view social issues through a different prism than our elders.

Not only are we viewing the world issues with a broader perspective but we are plugged to this new era of change. From Internet organized rallies to Twitter borne bulletins, it is clear that the new digital technology is expanding and we are an integral part of it. We are the digital natives.

My dear friends with that said it is in our hands to make this world a better place than we inherited or continue with the status quo. We are the change, we are the future. And this change will come through all of us united.

Learning will come, what we need to ensure is doing the right thing and doing it every time!

Worry about being right, and success will follow. Having said that, friends it would be really exciting to meet 10 years later at reunions and sing along about our happiness all a result of our right choices and responsible decisions. Let’s make it happen because sky is the limit and much needs to be done!”

You can also view the speech here.

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